3 minutes to a better website

There are a couple of things that websites MUST DO.
  1. Visitors MUST be able to understand instantly what products/services you provide. 
  2. Visitors MUST be able to find products or services to buy from you. 
  3. Visitors MUST be able to understand your value proposition 


Choose a close friend; choose someone who isn't close to your business.
Get them to look at your website and get them to write down what product/service they think you provide.
They have 1 minute to complete this task.


Choose another friend; again, someone who isn’t close to your business.
Give them 4-5 products of yours to find and see if they can easily find them on your website.
They have 1 minute to complete this task.


This is about your Value Proposition.

A Value Proposition helps you to connect to your customers; it says to them ‘we know you’, ‘we know what you’re looking for’. It’s the value proposition that makes them love you and your products. A good value proposition explains how you can solve your prospects problems, it tells your prospects why they should buy from you.

Choose yet another friend; again, someone who isn’t close to your business.
Get them to look at your website and get them to write down 3-4 reasons why they think they should buy from you.
They have 1 minute to complete this task.

You're done!

OK, that’s your 3 minutes. Take a look at the results and see if it tells you anything.
  • Is your offering obvious?
  • Can people find your products/services easily?
  • Are reasons obvious as to why visitors should buy from you? 
The answers to these questions should help you to amend your website to make it more relevant to your visitors.

Good luck


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