- Visitors MUST be able to understand instantly what products/services you provide.
- Visitors MUST be able to find products or services to buy from you.
- Visitors MUST be able to understand your value proposition
Choose a close friend; choose someone who isn't close to your business.Get them to look at your website and get them to write down what product/service they think you provide.
They have 1 minute to complete this task.
Choose another friend; again, someone who isn’t close to your business.Give them 4-5 products of yours to find and see if they can easily find them on your website.
They have 1 minute to complete this task.
This is about your Value Proposition.A Value Proposition helps you to connect to your customers; it says to them ‘we know you’, ‘we know what you’re looking for’. It’s the value proposition that makes them love you and your products. A good value proposition explains how you can solve your prospects problems, it tells your prospects why they should buy from you.
Choose yet another friend; again, someone who isn’t close to your business.
Get them to look at your website and get them to write down 3-4 reasons why they think they should buy from you.
They have 1 minute to complete this task.
You're done!
OK, that’s your 3 minutes. Take a look at the results and see if it tells you anything.- Is your offering obvious?
- Can people find your products/services easily?
- Are reasons obvious as to why visitors should buy from you?
Good luck
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